NABTEB BIOLOGY ANSWERS Our motto:- first to deliver LEGIT COMFIRMED & VERIFIED RUNX If you want your NECO ANSWERS EARLY Call/text /whatsapp 09030302775 is your man ENGR NASER DAHER (1ai) When a plant is placed in hypentonic solution, plasmolysis occur and the plant all shrink and collapse (1aii) TABULATE Osmosis| Plasmolysis| UNDER OSMOSIS: (i) It occurs in animal cell (ii) It occurs in a semi permeable membrane (iii) The cell involved does not collapse in the process UNDER PLASMOLYSIS: (i) It occurs in plant cell (ii) It occurs in a freely permeable membrane (iii) The cell involved collapse in the process (1b) DRAW THE DIAGRAM (2a) Germination of seed refers to all changes that occur when the embryo in a seed resumes its growth and development to become independent seeding (2aii) The two types of germination are: (i) Epigeal germination (ii) Hypogeal germination (i) Epigeal germination: is the type of germination in which the cotyledom is carried above the soil during germination. Examples are cowpea, pepper (ii) Hypogeal germination: is the type of germination in which the cotyledom is retained in the soil during germination. Examples are mazie, guinea corn (2b) (i) Water ==> coconut, oil palm fruit (ii) Wind ==> cotton seed, clematis (iii) Animals ==> mango, orange (iv) Human ==> cashew, pear (3a) Conservation can be define as the judicious use of natural resources to ensure their availability and preserve the quality of the environment. (3aii) (i) It ensures continuous of plant nutrients (ii) It ensures sources of water and reserved for soil organisms (iii) To ensure preservation of soil fertility (iv) To ensure source of raw materials for industries (3bi) Crop rotation is the system of farming where a crop is cultivated on a piece of land in a definite sequence in such a way that deep rooted crop succeeds a shallow seeder and shallow seeder succeeds a legume (3bii) (i) It ensures maximal use of the soil nutrient (ii) It helps renew soil fertility by the activities of the leguminous crops (iii) It discourages the growth of pest through the interaction of different crops (3c) (i) Gully erosion (ii) Finger erosion (4ai) Balance diet is the correct proportional of food needed by the body for normal growth and healthy living (4aii) Correct proportions are: carbohydrate, protein, fat and oil, mineral salts, vitamins and water (4bi) (i) Parasitic nutrition ==> it exist between tape worm and human (ii) Saprophyptic nutirtion ==> it exist between mush room and decayed organic mater (iii) Autotrophic nutrition ==> it is exhibited by green plants (iv) Symbiosis nutrition ==> it is a feeding assiocation which exists between Rhizobium and Leguminous plants (v) Hoiozoic nutrition ==> it exits between predators and prey (4bii) Gastric juice contains important enzymes and hydrochloric acid. These enzymes are pepsin and rennin Pepsin curdles milk content of the food Hydrochloric acid stop the effects of ptyalin and kill the bacterial present in the food (5ai) Hormones are chemical substance secreted by an endocrine gland in response to various stimuli (5aii) - Under secretion of thyroxin before maturity give rise to cretinism while over secretion of thyroxin before maturity lead to obese, mentally retarded with a reduce heart rate. - Under secretion of ant diuretic hormones bring about diabetic insidious and this result in dieresis while over secretion of anti-diuretic hormone result in accumulation of fluid in tissues and this condition is called oedema (5b) DRAW THE DIAGRAM (6ai) Habitat Is a place where living organism live (6aii) (i) High salinity (ii) High density (iii) Continental shelf (iv) Continental slope (6bi) TABULATE Primary Succession| Secondary Succession| UNDER PRIMARY SUCCESSION: (i) It occurs on a bare surface (ii) It takes a long period of time to reach climax community UNDER SECONDARY SUCCESSION: (i) It occurs on a already colonized land (ii) It takes short time to reach a climax community (6bii) Competition is defined as the interaction between two unrelated species to obtain mutually needed resources that is in short supply in their environment (6c) TABULATE Intra Specific Competition| Inter Specific Competition | UNDER INTRA SPECIFIC COMPETITION: (i) It occurs among organisms of the same species (ii) It does not involve territoriality UNDER INTER SPECIFIC COMPETITION: (i) It occurs among organisms of different species (ii) It involves territoriality


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