Geography GEOGRAPHY OBJ: 1-10: BBDEADACAA 11-20: DCDDCEBCAC 21-30: AEECADBBAD 31-40: BADDDCEECE 41-50: DBACACACCB 51-60: EDADACACCC 2a An equinox is a day when the sun is in its zenith over the Equator, and the Earth experiences days and nights of generally equal length.  OUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR MATHEMATICS IS STILL ON call/whatsapp /text 09030302775 I still remain ENGR NASER DAHER (3a) (1)The Intermontane plateau: is when a plateau is surrounded by mountains on all sides, it is refers to an Intermontane plateau. Some examples of the Intermontane plateau include the Tibetan plateau and the Bolivian plateaus. (2)The Piedmont plateau: a Piedmont plateau is located close to a mountain on one side. Some good examples of Piedmont plateaus are the Malwa plateau in India, the Patagonian plateau in Argentina and the Piedmont plateau in America. (3)The Continental plateaus- when a plateau is surrounded by oceans or plains, it is refers to as continental plateau. Examples of continental plateaus include the plateaus of Western Australia and Africa. (4)Dissected plateaus : These plateau are highly eroded plateaus cut by rivers and broken by deep narrow valleys. (3b) (1)Plateaus are very good sources of minerals such as Iron, copper, gold, diamonds, Manganese, coal, etc. (2)Areas that have plateau also have waterfalls as river falls from a great height of the plateau (3)Although plateaus are not very good for agricultural activities due to hard rock formation, hence, agricultural activities can be carried out at the base of the plateau where lava soils have deposited. (4)Plateaus that are formed from the lava of volcanoes have very fertile soil, making them useful for agriculture activities (5)Many plateaus have scenic spots and are of great attraction to tourists. (Good examples are the Grand Canyon and many waterfalls). ================================ (6a) i)Cuspate - the land around the mouth of the river juts out arrow-like into the sea. Example: The Ebro Delta ii)Bird's foot - the river splits on the way to the sea, each part of the river juts out into the sea, rather like a bird's foot. Example: The Mississippi Delta (6b) i)The river must have large load. This will be possible if there is active erosion in the upper and middle stages. ii)There should not be extensive deposition in the middle stage eg presence of lake in between or high evaporation rate iii)The river’s load must be deposited faster than it can be removed by the action of currents and tides. (6c) i)It provides migratory waterfowl an important stop on the Pacific Flyway. ii)It is recreational destination that attracts tourist iii)It is a unique natural resource of local, state and national significance ============================================== (7a) Environmental problems or hazards are disasters which affects lives and properties as a result of the action of man and other natural phenomenon. (7b) (i)Flooding (ii)Desert Encroachment (iii)Drought (iv)Soil Erosion (v)Deforestation (7c) (1) climatic changes: is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time. (2) overgrazing occurs when plants are exposed to intensive grazing for extended periods of time, or without sufficient recovery periods. (3) bush burning: is the act of setting forests, weeds and grasses on fire. ENGR NASER DAHER (7d) (1) afforestation (2) irrigation (3) rotational/controlled grazing


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