Biology OBJ and essay

(6ai) The enormous energy of lightning breaks nitrogen molecules and enables their atoms to combine with oxygen in the air forming nitrogen oxides. These dissolve in rain, forming nitrates, that are carried to the earth.
((6aii) This organism oxidizes ammonia into nitrite as a metabolic process. Nitrosomonas are useful in bioremediation. They are important in the nitrogen cycle by increasing the availability of nitrogen to plants while limiting carbon dioxide fixation.
( (6aiii) Azotobacter helps to synthesizes some biologically active substances, including some phytohormones such as auxins, thereby stimulating plant growth.
((6b) (i) Malphigan tubule (ii) Nephridium
( (6c) (i) Hepatitis: This is a liver disease defined as inflammation of the liver. It may occur as a result of viral infection or toxic substances like poisons or drugs. This disease makes the liver unable to perform it's functions properly.
( (ii) Kidney stones: This is caused by diseased growth in the kidneys within the tubules. This growth narrows rye tubules preventing free flow of urine. It most causes complete blockage of. Urine results. (6di) (i) It makes the system insensitive. (ii) It Mars the protective role of the system. (iii) Temperature will be poorly regulated.
(2a) (i) Meat type A and meat type D (ii) they contain the lowest fat content
(2bi) (i)Meat type C and meat type D (ii)
( - Proteins gives energy - Strengthens muscle (2ci)
(i) A, C & D (ii) A person deficient in protein suffers kwashiokor. Hence a diet with high content in protein is needed. (2di)
Meat type D ii) Meat type F
(2e) carbohydrates (2f)
- For energy and heat to keep the body warm - Are used as insulators to nerves and cell membranes
- Formation of cell membranes
(2g) Drop the meat on a white paper observe the meat against a source of light, the far part becomes more translucent
(1ai) TABULATE: ORAGNISM |RESPIRATORY SURFACE Tadpole |Skin Cockroach|Trachea Domestic fowl|Lungs Talinum |Stomata Earthworm|Skin Amoeba |Cell membrane ..
(1b) (i) Large surface area (ii) Thin respiratory surface (iii) Moist surface (iv) Efficient transport system. (v) Permeability .
(1c) Draw .
*Remember, Section A is for all Candidates in all countries
* Section B number 5, for Ghana only NIGERIA✅
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3a) tabular form Parasitism= Cattle and white fgret Tapworm in the gut of human
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3a) tabular form Mutualism= Lachea Flowers and honey bees..
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3a) tabular form Commensalism= Mistletoe and cacao plant. ramorant plant
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3a) tabular form *3c* i) Saprophytes are plants, fungi, and microorganisms that feed on dead or decaying matter (or, in more current and specific usage, they feed on the fungi that feed on the decaying material).
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3a) tabular form ii) examples are ----> molds ----> ghost plant or Indian pipe ---->mushrooms ---->gnome plant. .
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3a) tabular form (No6i) Lightning. 1. A discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder. (6ii)Nitrosomonas A genus of gram-negative, ellipsoidal or rod-shaped bacteria whose major source of energy and reducing power is from the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite. Its species occur in soils, oceans, lakes, rivers, and sewage disposal systems
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1ai) Sexual reproduction:This is a type of reproduction which involves the fussion of male gametes(eg sperm cell) and the female gametes(eg egg cell) to form zygote which later develops to a young offspring
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1aii) -Abstinence
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Birth Control Sponge (Today Sponge) -Birth Control Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing) -Birth Control Shot (Depo-Provera) -Birth Control Implant (Implanon and Nexplanon)
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1aiii) -Mutualism represents a symbiotic relationship where both species involved benefit from the relationship while commensalism represents a symbiotic relationship where only one organism benefits while the other does not benefit from the relationship -Good examples for mutualism include the relationship between bees and flowers as well as humans and digestive bacteria while Examples for commensalism include hermit crabs using dead gastropods for shelter or millipedes travellin on birds
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1b) i)Hooks and suckers allow it to hold on tightly to the wall of the intestine ii)Its flat body gives it a large surface area to absorb food iii)It has no need of a mouth or gut as it absorbs already digested food
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1ci) See the diagram.


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